TFT Meditations

Mind-renewal is crucial to experience lasting transformation. I have developed tools that use Biblical wisdom and modern technology to equip you in putting on your true identity in Christ.

Jesus said “ALL things are possible for those who believe.” I want to help you BELIEVE so all of His promises become possibilities in your life. Prayer and meditation WILL produce transformation if you engage your heart in the process, I can show you how.

Meditation and Prayer are not magic, they do not force God’s hand or mystically manifest your desires. Prayer and meditation simply make God’s promises believable. God’s word WILL multiply in a receptive heart. I can show you how to prepare your heart and plant God’s Word. The seed of His Word will do the rest.

Transformation is the final frontier for the Jesus follower. Everything you want to see happen in your life will manifest through renewing your mind and believing God’s promises. The transformation and success you desire will not come through behavioral modification or law-keeping, it comes as you harmonize with your true eternal spiritual identity and outwardly reflect the indwelling spirit of God.

JOSHUA 1:8 Keep this Book of the Law (instruction) always on your lips; meditate on it day and night, so that you may be careful to do everything written in it. Then you will be prosperous and successful.

My Tools for Transformation will teach you how to cultivate God’s Word in your inner man to facilitate belief in your heart. When you believe from your heart, you will no longer hinder His kingdom from manifesting in your life. Truly, all things are possible for those who believe. My Tools for Transformation will equip you to persuade your heart to BELIEVE.